Together We Can Do More.
It is not just a slogan.
Provi is not like other places of work. We cherish each other, collegially, and amicably. We take pride in showing empathy for each other, to contributing positively to one another's personal and professional development, as well as to engaging in an exciting everyday life with room for innovative ideas.
Provi offers consulting in the following areas: career counseling, business consulting, advertising and marketing, as well as EU projects.
We have a group of competent and experienced employees who work in teams, who come together for individual tasks and projects, and who work across traditional professional boundaries - all to give our clients the best service.
In addition to our own employees, we have established strategic collaborations with others whose competencies complement ours, so we can provide comprehensive task solutions for our clients.
The name Provi is a contraction of the words PROcess and VIden (knowledge). This is because our fundamental belief is that development and results are created through a process - between each individual client and our team.
We have three branches in South Zealand and Lolland-Falster in Nakskov, Nykøbing Falster, and Vordingborg, respectively.
We hope you enjoy exploring our website and that you discover consulting services where we can collaborate!
We are no further away than a phone call - and we are happy to come to you.
Do you dream of joining our team?
We always accept unsolicited applications for full-time work, part-time work, and internships.
Send us an e-mail at:
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