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Ny portal til Femern Belt projektet

When the Femern Belt Tunnel became a reality, Femern Belt Development wanted to create a universe where subcontractors could make themselves available for the project. Based on this desire, we created a company portal with an integrated system that enables subcontractors to register and become part of the community that supports the project.

This company portal was developed over a period of three (3) months, where we in close collaboration with the Femern Belt Development had the honor of participating in everything from idea development to some specific system functions. In addition, we created their complete visual identity, including everything from the logo to web design.

Since then we have continued to work closely with Femern Belt Marketplace, in order to further develop their website and assist with their e-mail marketing.

Billede af Gravkøer på en byggeplads.
Drone billede af Femern Belt.

Scope of the Assignment

Creation of the New Platform

The preparation of the new web platform included many different aspects. We had to jointly compose a name for the given platform, as well as create the systems that were necessary for the functionality of the platform. These systems include a fully functional membership scheme, tailored user profiles for both Femern's administration and subcontractors, as well as the establishment of an e-mail automation system.

Intensive Collaboration Across Femern Belt

Following the launch of the Femern Belt Marketplace, the platform was well received by both the press media, as well as various subcontractors who are locally based and others across the border. As a result of the initiative, the platform has acquired many new members who are now part of this beneficial collaboration.

Femern Belt Marketplaces hjemmeside vist på computer og mobil.
Femern Belt Development opdateringer.
Femern Belt Marketplace profiloversigt


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